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    Fundraising for various associations such as Kol Israel Haverim, Alliance in Israel and Mazone France

    Fundraising is the set of actions implemented by an association to collect funds and support its activities. JP consulting has worked as a fundraiser for various associations, such as Kol Israel Haverim, Alliance in Israel or Mazone France, implementing strategies and fundraising campaigns adapted to their needs and objectives.

    Our team of experienced consultants will help you develop your fundraising strategy, taking into account your environment and your target donors. We help you define your fundraising objectives, develop your communication and prospecting plan, and implement the actions necessary to achieve your goals.

    By entrusting your fundraising to JP Consulting, you benefit from our expertise and know-how to develop your fundraising and support your activities. We help you identify new sources of funding, set up strategic partnerships, and manage your donor portfolio. We put our expertise and know-how at your disposal to help you succeed in your fundraising.

    +30 000€
    Lifted for Kol Israel Haverim & for Mazone


    Fundraising is the set of actions taken by an association to raise funds and support its activities. It can include donation campaigns, fundraising events, partnerships, and other fundraising strategies.

    include fundraising to support the association's activities, acquiring new donors, retaining existing donors, and building awareness of the association.

    JP consulting helps you develop your fundraising strategy, taking into account your environment and your donor target. We help you define your fundraising objectives, develop your communication and prospecting plan, and implement the necessary actions to reach your goals. We also help you identify new sources of funding, set up strategic partnerships and manage your donor portfolio. By entrusting your fundraising to JP consulting, you benefit from our expertise and know-how to succeed in your fundraising.


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